Friday, December 30, 2011

The Showstopper!!!

The McBrothas Christmas 2011

We had an amazing Christmas, thanks to lots of people we know, and more that we've never even met. We are thankful for the generosity. We got the Greatest ShowStopper on Earth! My husband got a real job offer in his old field with full health benefits. This is a really wonderful blessing because our youngest son has Type 1 (Insulin dependent, no fault of his own, no pill will fix it, shots for the rest of his life... Juvenile) Diabetes.

Thank you to all who sent me kind words, told me your stories, shared your prayers, and sent gifts. It was more than we could have ever done, and our boys are grateful. My husband and I are, too.

As we move into a new year, I continue to pray and hope and work hard to turn things around for our family.

Happy New Year,



  1. Congratulations to your husband! Being out of work is tough on many levels.

  2. So, so, so excited about the most recent turn of events!
    Be well and Happy New Year!

  3. All I can say is "YEAH!!!!!" God has sent his angels to watch over you. Things will definitely be better for all of our family in 2012. Love you girl.

  4. Thanks, Mom, Elizabeth, and Michael! Wishing a happy and prosperous 2012 to us ALL!!!!

  5. Woo hoo!!!!

  6. Tangela, you and your little family were on my mind throughout the entire holiday. I am so happy that your path is taking an exciting, new direction!
    We should all view life with your sense of humour and optimism. You are an inspiration to me! And your boys have far exceeded the cute quota. Could eat them with a spoon!

  7. So happy for your family that your husband got a new job!

  8. I really hope your boys received/like the construction set. Best wishes to you all.

    1. OMG,YES! Thank you so very much! It was a wonderful unexpected surprise for them...although, I hold my breath every time they say, let's knock down the house!

  9. SO happy to learn about the new job for your husband ! Wonderful news ! I know what it's like without health insurance too & how much it eats up the money .. gone before it gets here , so that's a HUGE blessing. the showstopper ... Magnificent ! God Loves you Tangela , & so many who have not ever met you personally like myself love you . And God Bless your sweet Mama , watching over you & I am sure putting a hand in to help in any way that she can . Blessings for a Better 2012 !
